Key Freedom of Expression Issues


          How much is too much in social media? We all know that social media has become a one stop for many; keeping up with current news or events, a platform to communicate to other people, a journal, celebrity gossip, a tool to grow business and social media plays a big role in every people’s lives today.  Social media is a place to engage with each other and have fun – share memories, share good times and bad, share experiences. These days we mostly use the platform of social media to express our thoughts. It has become a podium for performing citizen journalism.

          Freedom of speech and expression is broadly understood as the notion that every person has the natural right to freely express themselves through any media but even if we have that freedom to say what we want, we are not allowed to express any of our opinions that offends, threatens or insults any religion, culture, people, color and etc.   Also, there is this “oversharing” in social media and it has become a problem. People are using social media as their online diaries to the point that all of the things they do they will post it, broadcasting their personal grievances, posting the location of their vacation, posting photos of things that meant to be private and the details of almost of their lives.

          Honestly speaking, when I first have my social media accounts when I was in junior high school, anything that I do, anywhere that I go and anything that I feel was posted in my twitter account; sometimes I posted photos in my Facebook and Instagram account. But today, I don’t usually post anything or tweet anything in my social media accounts because I learned that privacy is important and oversharing is a big problem in today’s generation. When we’re so heavily involved in social media, it can be unhealthy because sometimes “social comparison” is there where you compare your lives to others.

          It is okay for me to post what I do in my accounts especially in Twitter because you can post whatever you want there and the people won’t care; but I usually limit my posts like 1 to 2 tweets a day or sometimes none. I personally believe that posting or sharing the location or places I go is kinda scary because social media is quite like stalker paradise or this can also put you at more of a risk for identity theft in some cases. For example, if someone really does want to stalk or target you in some way, they can learn about you by looking at your profile. The more info you share, the more they know. That’s why I don’t like sharing or posting locations to the places I go. And I don’t post anything what I feel in social media because I don’t like sharing or telling my feelings in public or I don’t want people to see, read and think what I feel because I feel like they will judge me based on my post or tweets on how I feel. Especially if I’m angry I don’t post anything because anger can make you say things you wouldn't have said otherwise. It can make you not really think about what you're saying. Angry posts may also send a message you didn't mean to send. In short, it is not okay for me to post whatever I do, I go and feel on mu social media accounts.

          Social media is a useful tool. Before you post anything, think first if posting that thing is really a good idea. Think before you click. However, be careful not to let it take over your life. Don't feel like you need to "prove" yourself on social media. In real life, most people don't really care about others' personal lives as much as the internet would have you believe. Social media isn't a perfect picture of other peoples' lives. It's more of a highlight reel. Instead of living vicariously through these sites, try calling up your friends or family and spending some time together. Finally, if you feel like these sites are affecting your mental health, try to "disconnect" for a while and do something outside of the internet.
